Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

We've had a busy last week of summer!! We always have lots going on but it was crazier than usual - but a good crazy with lots of fun stuff :)

On saturday mornings Brian usually makes breakfast which we all enjoy because it's actual breakfast food like homemade waffles (his Big Daddy's recipe) or french toast and not just the usual cereal bar or instant oatmeal I normally throw at them ;)
Notice how he uses every dish we own, that's a different post for a different day :) 

We went to a birthday party at the sprinkler park

Emi had "meet the teacher" day.
 checking out her desk

 Emi Joy and her first grade teacher Mrs. Peckham

Later that night we went to The Madison Hotel to celebrate Meme 'Ease's 85th birthday.
 checking out the Memphis skyline
 Emi and the birthday girl

After drinks on the rooftop we headed over to Papa Pia's for dinner and I didn't take any more pictures so this is all you get ;) It was a great end to a great week!

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