Friday, May 3, 2013

Fruit of Character

Westminster Academy hosts a Fruit of Character celebration for their first graders every year. The children had been studying character traits all year and then the teachers select a character trait to give to each child. It really is a sweet program. 

I had no idea what was going to be Emi's "Fruit of Character" and I only had my phone  (which hardly had any storage left) with me so I knew I had to record at the correct moment or just miss out on getting it. Thankfully she was one of the last to get her character so by process of elimination I knew she was up next and was able to record it - yay!! :)

Emi and I being silly before the program started.

since the computer hates me and refused to load my video, here is the link to it.

how appropriate for our sweet girl

the first grade class with their certificates

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