Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 16

Willy was hanging out with Emi and Jack's pictures while we were in Nashville

Day 16 - go to ICE

waiting in line for ICE

as soon as we got into the building I looked down to see Jack fast asleep

here he is, still asleep even after they put blankets on him to keep him warm

thank goodness they give you those parkas because it is freezing in there! I had on about 30 layers and was still cold.

what's Jack doing? still sleeping.

and still asleep....

the nativity made entirely out of ice. it was so pretty!

oh look at that - he's still asleep!

after ICE we walked over to the mall to have lunch at The Aquarium. I'm pretty sure that was Emi's favorite part of the trip.

we were lucky enough to get a table right up front and it just happened to be feeding time for the fish. I have to admit that it kind of took my appetite away to watch the fish eat but it was a good show and the kids loved it.

After some shopping we headed home. It was fun but I don't think that Opryland at Christmas is going to be a family tradition. The crowds were overwhelming and took the fun out of be there.

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