We moved into our lovely, little house 5 years ago and when we purchased the home, we agreed that it needed a major overhaul in the kitchen. Well, 2 kids and 5 years later, we finally got around to doing it. My wonderful father-in-law (the contractor) spent many an hour helping Brian replace almost everything in our kitchen. And, we quickly learned that had we not had his help, we would have been in big trouble!!
Good-bye ugly kitchen!!
Adios pink counter-top and awful metal cabinets.
I don't think I'll miss you a bit!
This is when I started to get really nervous.
Two days later, I'm getting excited!!
Meanwhile, this is my make-shift kitchen.
Gotta have a microwave and GOTTA have coffee!
This was only a fraction of the mess that was left behind.
I now can understand how construction sites get so nasty so quickly!
We are almost done, just a few small things left to do like paint - URGHHHH!!
When we get that done, I'll post a photo of the finished kitchen.